Lil Wayne personal chef controversy explained
Rapper Lil Wayne is being sued by an ex-personal chef for wrongful termination. The claim is that the rapper fired her because she had to leave to care for a pressing personal emergency.
The former chef, Morghan Medlock, claims that her termination violates California law, and she is seeking restitution of at least $500,000. In addition, she is claiming that she was subjected to several unlawful practices.
While there is no clear evidence to back this up, another rumor circulating is that Weezy fired Medlock because of her social media activities. There are claims that she posted content on multiple occasions that disclosed his location, which is why she was fired.
One user, @Uphillls, stated in a tweet that the chef was playing the victim card and that Lil Wayne should be the one suing her, not the other way around. The tweet read:
"Here she is trying to be the victim. He fired her for posting things on tiktok including his location. He should be the one suing her."What transpired between Lil Wayne and his personal chef?
According to Morghan Medlock, her employer, rapper Lil Wayne, wrongfully fired her. The events took place earlier this year during Memorial Day weekend when the Fireman rapper was in Vegas. She had tagged along to do her job, i.e., cook all of Weezy's meals, and at this point, she had been working for him for about more than a year.
During the flight, Medlock was informed that her son had suffered a head injury and needed to be hospitalized, so she decided to return home to Los Angeles, claiming that the rapper and his team were delaying flight departure because he wanted to smoke in the aircraft.
Medlock then decided to board another flight home, and after having informed Lil Wayne's assistant, the team repeatedly asked the chef if she was quitting. Despite replying no, she had eventually been told that she was let go. According to the lawsuit, a message reached Medlock directly from Wayne, that said:
"Tell Chef Morghan this isn't going to work."However, there has been a floating rumor that tells a different story. Morghan Medlock was reportedly fired due to sharing videos of her doing her job on social media, risking Lil Wayne's privacy. An Instagram page called The Neighborhood Talk received a tip regarding the issue, which included several videos of Medlock showing off the rapper's private jet and the food she would make.
The posts include a tour of the private jet, different dishes cooked by Medlock, and apparently, his favorite sandwich.
While there is no proof for either claim, netizens have sided with Lil Wayne, claiming that he should countersue Morghan Medlock. They took to mocking her cooking skills and used this opportunity to let the rapper know that they were ready to replace Medlock.
There has been no response from the rapper's representatives as of yet. The lawsuit remains open until there is evidence provided against either party.
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