Is the Iwo Jima Pride flag real? Viral picture debunked

Publish date: 2024-06-06

Satirical news publication The Babylon Bee recently announced that the Joe Biden administration hoisted the LGBTQ Pride flag alongside the historical Iwo Jima memorial to celebrate June’s Pride Month. The monument is located in Arlington County, Virginia, and is dedicated to the Marines who served the country since 1995. Netizens expressed concern once they heard about the latest update to the structure. However, it is far from the truth. The Iwo Jima memorial did not include a Pride Flag in any manner.

The Babylon Bee announced on their website that President Joe Biden claimed that the Pride flag is the “most revered symbol in our nation.” He supposedly went on to say:

“It’s only right for the Iwo Jima memorial to be updated to represent the brave men and women and non-men and non-women and those other things who are fighting even more bravely than the soldiers of World War II. These fellas with bre*sts who were on my lawn- they’re the true warriors. Chocolate chip braggleflurven!”

The website did not clarify what Joe Biden meant by referring to “those other things.” Neither did they substantiate why the POTUS referred to chocolate and what his last word means.

The news publication also announced that Katniss Sparkleshine, the artist who was responsible for the Iwo Jima upgrade, was immensely proud of her work. She reportedly added:

“Out with that old, ugly statue of white colonizers and in with an explosion of fabulous LGBTQ+ flair! Take that, conservatives! Why are you so obsessed with us, you Nazis!”

In response to the alleged statue upgrade, a few tweets read:

Iwo Jima did not hoist a Pride Flag with the memorial

Despite several being alarmed by the memorial upgrade, the monument did not show off a Pride Flag in reality. The Babylon Bee is a satirical publication that twists the truth to create hilarious content. They have revealed on their website that they write about Christianity, politics, and lifestyle.

They went on to jokingly say:

“We focus on just the facts, leaving spin and bias to other news sites like CNN and Fox News. If you would like to complain about something on our site, take it up with God.”

Hence, it is safe to say that the Iwo Jima memorial did not actually showcase the Pride flag.

The satirical content comes at a time when the White House has already been facing criticism for supporting the LGBTQ community. The Biden administration recently welcomed thousands of members of the community to the South Lawn to celebrate Pride Month.

They had hoisted the rainbow-colored Pride flag in between two American flags. Many claimed that the White House was violating the US Flag Code, which stated that the American flag must always be in the center of any display that features multiple flags. Conservatives were enraged by the same. However, Forbes has since clarified that the White House did not violate any code. They revealed that the President has the authority to alter the US flag’s rules however he chooses.

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