Is Haydn Fleury related to Marc-Andre Fleury? Exploring relationship between two namesakes
Haydn Fleury and Marc-Andre Fleury are professional ice hockey players but are not related.
Haydn is a defenseman for the Tampa Bay Lightning, while Marc-Andre is a goaltender for the Minnesota Wild. Although they share a common last name and profession, they come from different parts of Canada, and there's no known familial connection between them.
Haydn Fleury was born in 1996 in Carlyle, Saskatchewan, and was drafted by the Carolina Hurricanes in the first round of the 2014 NHL Entry Draft. He played for the Hurricanes for four seasons before getting traded to the Anaheim Ducks in 2021. Later that year, he signed with the Tampa Bay Lightning.
Meanwhile, Marc-Andre Fleury was born in 1984 in Sorel-Tracy, Quebec, and was selected first overall in the 2003 NHL Entry Draft by the Pittsburgh Penguins. He played for the Penguins for 13 seasons, winning three Stanley Cup championships. He was then traded to the Vegas Golden Knights in 2017. Last year, he was traded to the Minnesota Wild.
It's estimated that over 12,000 professional athletes in North America share the same last name but are not related. Haydn Fleury and Marc-Andre Fleury are two talented hockey players who have achieved success in the NHL. Although they share a common last name and profession, they're not related.
Contract Details: Marc-Andre Fleury and Haydn Fleury in NHL
The Minnesota Wild's recent acquisition of Marc Andre Fleury and the contract details of Haydn Fleury with the Tampa Bay Lightning are significant developments in professional ice hockey.
Marc Andre's new two-year contract with the Wild is worth $7 million, with an average annual value of $3.5 million. That's a considerable sum that reflects his exceptional talent and success during his 18 seasons in the NHL. The Wild's decision to sign Fleury was a major move to bolster their goaltending for the upcoming 2022-23 season.
However, Haydn Fleury's salary is much lower than his namesake but is still a respectable amount for a player of his caliber. He has signed four contracts with a total value of $10,3 million. His most recent contract is a two-year deal worth $1.525 million with the Tampa Bay Lightning, with a cap hit of $762,500 for the 2022-23 season.
While Haydn Fleury's salary and cap hit are significantly lower than Marc Andre Fleury's, he has still earned a respectable amount during his career. As a defenseman, his contributions to his team are no less significant than those of a goaltender like Marc Andre Fleury.
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