End date, rewards, split reset, and more
Riot Games shook things up for League of Legends Season 13, delivering several changes right out of the gate in the new year. A brand-new two-split system was introduced for Ranked, a first in the game's history. This revamped format provides players with a better way to monitor their progress and unlock more rewards.
It's worth noting that the current ranked season, Split 1 of LoL Season 2023, which began on January 11 and is now nearing its conclusion. The much-anticipated Split 2 will take center stage once summer comes to a close.
When it comes to League of Legends Ranked Split 1, it's important to talk about the end date and the in-game prizes available to claim with your Split Points (SP).
When does the Ranked Season 2023 Split 1 end in League of Legends?
The first split for Season 13 of the League of Legends Ranked Season 2023 will come to an end on July 17, 2023, at 23:59 pm CST. Once the split is over, you can expect your current rank to be reset as the second split begins, following Riot's two-split system for Ranked in 2023.
The preseason, which is the gap between seasons, is known as the time before one season finishes and another starts. Although you can still participate in the Ranked queue during this period, there won't be any ranked rewards. The preseason will kick off at 3 am CST on July 18 and wrap up at 12 pm CST on July 19.
What are the rewards for League of Legends Ranked Season 2023 Split 1?
During Split 1, you can expect your ranked rewards to come to you via the mission system. Just like always, don't forget to hop into either the Ranked Solo, Duo, or Flex queue to earn them. You'll receive 10 Split Points for each victory, while a loss will still net you a respectable six Split Points.
Don't fret, because these SP can be used to obtain a variety of goodies in-game, such as emotes, skin shards, and a stash of blue and orange essence, among some other treasures.
Here are the Split 1 ranked rewards:
Split Points | Reward |
10 | Hextech Chest |
40 | Hextech Key |
80 | Random Ward Skin Shard |
120 | Hextech Key |
160 | Victorious Maokai Emote |
200 | Hextech Key |
240 | K'Sante Permanent |
280 | Hextech Chest |
320 | Victorious Maokai Icon |
400 | Mystery Emote |
480 | Hextech Chest |
600 | 500 Orange Essence |
720 | Random S1 Eternals Capsule |
800 | Masterwork Chest |
When does League of Legends Ranked Season 2023 Split 2 start?
With the first split of the LoL-ranked season concluding, Split 2 will start on July 19, 2023 at 12 pm CST. Brace yourself for the dawn of a new era as LoL patch 13.4 embraces these thrilling rank modifications and a slew of captivating gameplay adjustments.
Riot has shaken things up by revealing the new rank, Emerald. It will be introduced in the upcoming 13 Split 2. This fresh addition will sit snugly between Platinum and Diamond, bridging the gap in the rank hierarchy. Thus, the scales of justice are tipped towards equilibrium as the historically disadvantaged lower tiers are shown some much-needed love.
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