Destiny 2 King's Fall raid Golgoroth challenge guide

Publish date: 2024-06-06

Golgoroth is a big, ugly Hive Ogre that the Guardians will have to defeat during the second encounter in the Destiny 2 King's Fall raid. While defeating this beast is a challenge in itself, there is yet another task associated with this overall encounter as well.

Other than making the overall process a bit more challenging, Guardians who successfully complete these additional raid encounters will receive an extra weapon drop.

If completed in the Normal version, Guardians will receive an additional regular weapon drop. In case they complete the challenge on the Master version of the raid, they will receive a Harrowed (Adept) version of one of the raid weapons.

That said, here's everything they need to know about the Golgoroth challenge in Destiny 2 King's Fall raid.

How to complete the Gaze Amaze challenge in Destiny 2 King's Fall raid

The Gaze Amaze challenge in Destiny 2 dictates that Guardians will have to stand in a Pool of Reclaimed Light when Golgoroth's gaze is taken away from them. While this may sound very easy, it's tricky because it requires a lot of co-ordination between the two players who keep trading Golgoroth's gaze. The overall mechanics of the encounter remain the same.

Here are all the steps that Guardians need to perform in order to complete the Gaze Amaze challenge in Destiny 2:

To complete this challenge, the Guardian holding Golgoroth's gaze will have to stand in the pool of Reclaimed Light before the gaze is taken from them. If they manage to do this throughout the encounter, they'll complete the Gaze Amaze challenge in Destiny 2.

However, there's something else that Guardians need to remember. When the player with Golgoroth's gaze stands in the pool of Reclaimed Light with the others, everyone will be subjected to taking damage. So, the team will have to account for higher-survivability alternatives like healing rifts and healing grenades until the gaze has shifted from them.

Guardians might face some difficulty in completing this challenge first time around, but with proper coordination, they can melt Golgoroth like a pile of butter in a matter of minutes in Destiny 2 King's Fall raid.

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