Deadpool 3 alleged photo leaks take the internet by storm and show Robert Downey Jr back in action a

Publish date: 2024-06-20

Since Deadpool 3 is the only MCU film to be released in 2024, it has emerged as the most awaited film of the year. In the last several days, rumors, bogus news, purported set images, and similar content have increased online due to the frenzy. This comes after the third part of Merc with a Mouth resumed production following the recent conclusion of the actors’ strike.

Not even an attempt is made to make one of these purported “photo leaks” seem credible. These alleged photos of Deadpool on the set of the next MCU movie include Iron Man, Hulk, Venom, and more. However, viewers can easily tell that these photos are computer-generated imagery if they look closely.

Deadpool 3: Is Robert Downey Jr. returning to the MCU?

Recent online reports claim to show a face-off involving Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool and Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man from the Deadpool 3 set. The photos also include Venom, Hulk, Loki, and other popular MCU figures. But before you rejoice at Tony Stark’s surprise return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, let us warn you: this is all a scam.

Tony Stark and Deadpool appear to be in the same frame in the initially convincing “set photos.” But a closer look uncovers Photoshop prowess and the mischievous hand of artificial intelligence at work. It’s a remarkable fake, which might trick inexperienced viewers and cause misinformation to proliferate.

And what’s more, as previously mentioned, these leaked set photographs also try to show Venom in the Deadpool 3 world. Despite the claim’s obvious absurdity, thousands of people are falling for the trick, demonstrating the influence of false information on social media.

After tracking down the origin of these phony set images, a specific social media website seems to be in charge of the deceptive information. In a society where false information is widely disseminated, people must practice critical thinking and fact-checking. Fans must refrain from sharing anything without verification while these misleading leaks continue to increase.

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, Ryan Reynolds playing the title role again, Leslie Uggams as Blind Al, Karan Soni as the reserved cab driver Dopinder, Morena Baccarin as Vanessa, and more are currently confirmed cast members of Deadpool 3.

Furthermore, according to Deadline, Shioli Kutsuna as Yukio, Brianna Hildebrand as Negasonic Teenage Warhead, and Stefan Kapicic as Colossus will also make a comeback. The TVA, Mobius, and Miss Minuetes are almost confirmed to be in the film, as suggested by Ryan's social media and trusted leakers.

Deadpool 3 is scheduled for release on May 3, 2024.

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