Best Call of Duty Mobile Season 3 CR-56 AMAX assault rifle loadout (2023)
Call of Duty Mobile (COD Mobile) boasts an ever-expanding lineup of various weapon classes. The number of guns and attachments increases with each patch update, while players also witness shifts in the list of meta weapons every season. Season 3: Rush update brought balance changes to multiple guns in COD Mobile, but assault rifles like CR-56 AMAX remained unchanged.
Despite receiving no balance changes with the Season 3 update, including a Signature Attachment has made many players curious about the CR-56 AMAX assault rifle.
Best Gunsmith loadout for CR-56 AMAX assault rifle in Call of Duty Mobile Season 3: Rush
CR-56 AMAX assault rifle is not an overpowered weapon but is still a decent alternative for mid-range fights. Players can benefit from its high rate of fire to quickly knock out or eliminate (MP mode) the enemies. Here are the stats of the base weapon in Call of Duty Mobile:
- Damage: 25
- Accuracy: 50
- Range: 51
- Fire Rate: 71
- Mobility: 76
- Control: 51
Players who desire to operate CR-56 AMAX as their primary weapon in both MP mode and BR matches can focus on enhancing accuracy and control. Below are the suitable attachments that one can use for the assault rifle in Call of Duty Mobile:
1) Barrel - MIP Custom Long
- Pros - An increase in Damage Range by 35.0% with a decrease in ADS Bullet Spread, Horizontal and Vertical Recoil by 7.8%, 6.0%, and 14.7%, respectively.
- Cons - Decrease in Movement Speed and ADS Movement Speed by 4.0% and 15.0%, while the ADS Time increases by 18.0%.
2) Stock - No Stock
- Pros - Movement Speed and ADS Movement Speed enhanced by 3.0% and 20.0%, while the ADS Time snips by 14.0%.
- Cons - ADS Bullet Spread, Hit Flinch, and Vertical Recoil increased by 12.0%, 10.0%, and 12.0%, respectively.
3) Rear Grip - Granulated Grip Tape
- Pros - ADS Bullet Spread improves by 11.6%.
- Cons - ADS Movement Speed lowers by 4.0%.
4) Muzzle - MIP Light Flash Guard
- Pros - ADS and Hipfire Bullet Spread decrease by 9.6% and 7.8%, while the Muzzle Flash is hidden.
- Cons - ADS Time increases by 5.0%.
5) Laser - MIP Laser 5mW
- Pros - Hipfire Bullet Spread and Sprint-to-Fire Delay are lowered by 17.0% and 25.0%.
- Cons - Visible Laser Sights.
Here are the stats after the use of the attachments mentioned above:
- Damage: 25
- Accuracy: 62
- Range: 62
- Fire Rate: 71
- Mobility: 76
- Control: 52
If players don't want to use MIP Laser 5mW due to its "Visible Laser Sights," they can use the Signature Attachment, GRD-11 (for Underbarrel), to benefit from the frontal shield. Apart from the attachments, if players are using CR-56 AMAX in MP mode, they should use the following perks in their loadout:
- Red Perk: Martyrdom - Drops a live grenade after death.
- Green Perk: Toughness - Hit Flinch decreases by 60%.
- Blue Perk: Dead Silence - Slient movement while walking, crouching, or going prone. At the same time, the sound spread distance gets shorter while sprinting.
Green Perk is crucial and vital, as players will get to downgrade the Hit Flinch considerably, which is otherwise annoying in Call of Duty Mobile's FPS settings (MP matches).
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